


IHF Associate Member

High speed data in Hotels

High speed data is absolutely crucial for all hotel guests. Phones are essential for conducting business and providing entertainment. It is the highest criteria on the hotel rating websites and is essential for a hotel’s success and reputation.

However, hotels and guesthouses often suffer from poor mobile phone signal indoors. This means guests have to rely on the hotel WiFi for communications, which often does not work as well as they would like.

Problems with Hotel WiFi include:

  • Contention – unusably slow data when many guests use the internet at the same time. This slow WiFi also results in calls cutting. This is not acceptable for business people.
  • WiFi requires passwords, and guests are increasingly aware and concerned about security issues. It involves extra overhead for the hotel as they have to manage and maintain the WiFi network.
  • Slow payment receipts for payment terminals. In the public areas, point of sale payment terminals are increasingly popular for guest checkout and check-in, and these require the guests’ phone to have good cellular signal. This, or they have to go through the WiFi Registration process, causing delays. Everyone has experienced the havoc caused by payment terminals not working as they should.

The result is a pain point for both hotel guests and hotel staff dealing with the resulting dissatisfaction, with many difficult to quantify costs. In the private areas, quite often guests would prefer to use their phone as a hotspot for their laptop, rather than rely on the hotel WiFi.

Good mobile signal encourages clients to stay longer and spend more money.

Amplify 4G/5G mobile signal instead.

It would be much better if the guests could rely on ubiquitous good indoor cellular communications, where they can use their own data plan, their own SIM card, no passwords, and be ‘always on’. All security concerns are eliminated as these are taken care of by the mobile phone operator (Vodafone, O2, 3) and the outdoor cellular network is extremely reliable.

The reduced indoor reliability is due to the cellular signals not propagating into the building very well. This is increasingly the case for new buildings, where the highly insulated walls and double/triple glazing effectively block the cellular signals.

Mobile signal repeaters bring the mobile signal from the operators inside the hotel

Stella Doradus designs and manufactures Comreg compliant cellular repeaters at its factory in Ireland. Click here for more details.

These bring the good outdoor signal, indoors. A complete system will cover all the public areas, plus the hotel rooms. All three Irish operators (Vodafone, O2, 3) are enhanced by the system. No SIM cards are required. No recurring payments to operators are required.

Using a proprietary test tool and system design programs, a coverage survey can be carried out before and after system installation. Stella Doradus works with www.novatel.ie for signal surveys, system design, system installation, commissioning and system handover. There is minimal input from the hotel staff throughout the whole process. The system is then remotely monitored and managed by Stella Doradus engineers through its proprietary platform – again, minimising hotel inputs.

Talk to us today for a free site survey.

Contact details

profile photo
James Browne

086 824 4401 / 051 387145
Web  www.stelladoradus.com

Irish Hotels Federation | Working Together