

The Irish Hotels Federation have produced a Pin specially designed in support of "The Gathering 2013".

This year, the welcome that Ireland extends to visitors is nowhere more prevalent than in our hotels and guesthouses. With this in mind, we are delighted to make The Gathering pins available to Members and we encourage you to use these as a gift or gesture, particularly for international visitors to your property.

To order a box of The Gathering pins, please contact the Irish Hotels Federation on 01 497 6459 or info@ihf.ie.

The Gathering Pins are available in quantities of 50 @ €50 plus VAT or 100 @ €100 plus VAT. The postage and packaging is €6.50 per box. A special discount on bulk orders is available and for multiple orders, going to the same address, the postage and packaging will be reduced. We will advise the exact cost of this to you upon ordering. Please note that these pins are not for resale. 



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