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Data Management
D-EDGE extends its Payment Solutions offering with D-EDGE Pay
Further positioning itself to become a major payments solutions’ player for the hospitality industry
IHF Associate Member

D-EDGE Hospitality Solutions, a leading hospitality technology provider, is extending its Payment Solutions offer with an integrated and automated payment system, to simplify and enhance the payment experience for hotels as well as their guests. Now, every hotel customer of D-EDGE can choose to use one of the 38 PSPs already connected to D-EDGE or opt for an all-in-one payment solution, D-EDGE Pay.

Simplifying the payment process has always been a priority for D-EDGE, which has already processed a gross payment volume (GPV) of over €200M for its first hotel adopters in 2022. While the continued increase of online hotel reservations and popularity of online payments makes it convenient and easy for customers, payment transactions remain a major pain point in the hotel industry. Most solutions have not kept up with the rapid pace of innovation and development of payment options. They are often too complex and require manual processing of numerous tasks by hotels as well as proving inconvenient for guests.

D-EDGE Pay streamlines the payment process for hoteliers and guests alike, thereby helping hoteliers grow their business:

  • Firstly, hotels are easily able to extend their reach both into new markets and into new customer segments with the numerous local and international payment methods supported by D-EDGE Pay. Hotels will be able to offer their guests to choose from a wide range of credit cards as well as a selection of options such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, Paypal etc.
  • Hotels will be able to improve their mobile conversion rates and increase direct bookings on this channel. Today, while mobile bookings account for approximately one third of direct bookings, the conversion rate observed on this channel is on average 50% lower than on desktop. The most common reason for this high cart abandon rate is that the payment step on this channel is too complicated. With D-EDGE Pay, payment and guarantee deposit on mobile becomes simple, yet highly secure, for the end user. The impact can be significant: increasing the conversion rate by 1 point on mobile translates into 26% more direct bookings.
  • Hotels will gain time and reduce the risk of error. With D-EDGE Pay hotels centralise the payment management process, collection from all channels and are able to automate many tasks.

Antoine Buhl, CTO of D-EDGE, comments: “One of the main challenges hoteliers face and that D-EDGE Technology enables them to overcome, is the complexity of integration between business applications. This is particularly true in the area of payment. Payment forms and methods have multiplied and often require too much manual work for hoteliers. As a leading technology provider to the hotel industry, D-EDGE has a role to play in providing hoteliers with the means to offer a seamless end-to-end booking experience to their customers, regardless of the payment method they wish to use, and in a way that reduces complexity for the hotelier. This is what our teams have addressed by developing D-EDGE Pay. We are effectively expanding our CRS (Central Reservation System) into a payment hub, offering hoteliers more reach, more functionalities, more automation, and more simplicity. The underlying vision is to enable them to develop their online sales and direct bookings ”.

D-EDGE Pay is fully integrated into the D-EDGE Central Reservation System (CRS) and complies with all regulations such as GDPR, PCI-DSS & PSD2.

The solution is available in all EMEA markets as well as in Australia. It will expand to more markets in Asia in the coming months.

Contact details

David Baker

0044 203 885 7444

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