Following on from the success of last year’s event, we are delighted to announce that the 18th Irish Hotels Federation Benevolent Fund Golf Classic will take place in Rathsallagh Golf Club on Monday 24 June 2013.  This event is being held in aid of a very worthy cause, the Irish Hotels Federation Benevolent Fund, which provides assistance to hotel industry families in need.

The entry fee is €500 per team of four thanks to the generosity of our host, Joe O'Flynn, who is providing the course on a complimentary basis. We are also accepting individual entries at €125 each and will be made up of a mix of teams comprised of members and suppliers. Please click here for an entry form.

The opportunity to sponsor a hole with your brand logo/business name for €200 is also available. Please click here for a sponsorship form.

If you are not in a position to enter a team or sponsor a hole, perhaps you would donate a prize for the ‘picky-out’ raffle that evening. The raffle really adds to the enjoyment of the event and all prizes are welcome, from accommodation vouchers to golf green fees. Please contact Stephanie Howard, IHF Head Office on 01 4976459 or by e-mail: if you would like to sponsor a hole or donate a prize.

The Irish Hotels Federation Benevolent Fund would greatly appreciate your support and the Golf Classic is an ideal opportunity for people in the industry and their suppliers to meet socially and have a fun game of golf. 

Soup and sandwiches will be available in the clubhouse from 11am, with the event proper kicking off with a shotgun start at 12.45pm.  All participants are invited to join us for the Rathsallagh Club House Barbeque that evening at 7pm.

The format for the day is as follows:

  • Competition is a scramble format for teams of four persons.
  • Competition is open to teams entered by Federation Members, Federation Branches, Associate Members, Suppliers to the Industry and Allied Organisations
  • Dinner is the very special Rathsallagh Barbecue in the clubhouse at 7.00pm
  • Prizegiving follows dinner with usual "picky-outs" for non prize winners
  • Entry fee is €500.00 per team, to include Golf and Dinner
  • Closing date for entries is Friday, 7th June.
  • Special rate for overnight accommodation in Rathsallagh - €95 per person sharing or €110 per single including breakfast. If you require accommodation, please book immediately direct with Rathsallagh (phone no. 045-403112, fax 045-403343 or email

Note: Metal spikes are not allowed in Rathsallagh and a facility to change to soft spikes is available in the Golf shop.

Donal O’Meara has kindly agreed to be event organiser again this year and will be your main contact on the day with Stephanie Howard looking after the administration prior to event. If you cannot field a team of four, but have one or two players please contact Stephanie.

Please forward your entry form and cheque made payable to the Irish Hotels Federation Benevolent Fund to:

Stephanie Howard,
Sales & Events Executive,
Irish Hotels Federation,
13 Northbrook Road,
Dublin 6.

The closing date for entries is 7 June 2013. Booking confirmation will be sent to you on receipt of completed entry form with entry fee payment. Please note that entries cannot be accepted until payment is received.

We thank you for your support and look forward to a most enjoyable day.


Pictured at the 2012 Benevolent Fund Golf Classic is Richard Bourke. 

For more photos from the 2012 Benevolent Fund Golf Classic please click here



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